Tuesday, March 31, 2009
30 Day Shred
OK, here is a little extra post for you. I just found out about this giveaway sponsored by the Sisterhood of the Shrinking Jeans. I think I need to win this exercise DVD, so I can be motivated to workout 20 min a day for 30 days. My jeans feel like they're shrinking. So if you want to join you only have until April 1st, 1pm PST, to enter the contest. Good luck!
Kyla is 8!
Yesterday was Kyla's birthday, but it was just too busy to post. I'm happy to report she a had a great day and here are a couple shots that I took of her. She says she didn't feel any older though. I can't believe I've been a mom for eight years! I'll probably be saying that every year - adding one to the number of course. Kyla had some friends meet her at the pool for a little celebration - both my girls love to swim. Then we took her out to dinner at the Old Spaghetti Factory. We hadn't been there for a year and it was just like we remember - Yum!
This last shot was taken through one of the prisms in their big glass doors.
Friday, March 27, 2009
Reflections - Part 2
OK, for all the regulars here are a couple of reflection pics of some people you may know. There is Sydney rescuing a Kung Fu Panda from the puddle and the second on she is actually mid-jump. If you look closely her feet are not on the ground and you can see a blooming tree in the far puddle. Too bad I was so busy looking at Syd that I didn't notice that huge piece of litter.
Here are more of Syd trying to help me out. Kyla was too busy reading to be included. Can you see her rolled up tongue in the bike fender?
Vote for your planet
Don't forget tonight at 8:30pm your local time is Earth Hour. Vote for Earth by switching off your lights for one hour. Show your support by voting against global warming.
This shouldn't be too hard for me. The girls and I are visiting some Grandparents today and they will be spending the night, so I won't even be home. I just have to remember to shut down the computer before I go. Hubby would encourage you to play a boardgame by candle light.
Thursday, March 26, 2009
You Capture - Reflections
This week's photography challenge was, well - a challenge. I saw a lot of reflections, but none that really looked great. So I left out all the silly self portraits, reflections found in framed art, and car windows and review mirrors. Also all the ones I made my youngest daughter pose for. I'm sensing a part 2 post for the regular readers. I was going to use this for a shadow pic, but then decided since the sand was wet, it was really a reflection, right? I wish I knew this family so I could send them a copy.
I got this one on a school field trip to some ponds last week.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Sweet Potato Love
Friday, March 20, 2009
My First Field Trip
Then you suck 'em up and separate them into ice-cube trays and identify them using provided cheat sheet. A pair of boys even caught a tiny fish. Sorry, it was too hard to take pictures of the water bugs.At the end they returned their water and surviving bugs to the pond.
Here's a bonus picture for getting to the end.
I did a little editing, but willow trees always look so dreamy don't they?
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
You Capture - Shadows
Happy St. Patrick's Day & Art
Also the girls and I enjoyed this YouTube art video which was shared on a few blogs I read recently.
Sunday, March 15, 2009
Sunny Seaside
We're home from the beach and I can't believe how great the weather was. So nice to have a break from the wacky weather of last week. On Monday we saw every form of precipitation: snow, hail, sleet, rain and slush. Did I miss any? I was amazed to look back at the pictures and find that these two were next to each other. Here is the last pic I took Tuesday afternoon while driving through the coast range on the way to Seaside.
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
You Capture - Texture
Here are my texture photos for the You Capture photography challenge, week 3. It was to temping to go through all the Europe photos, but I resisted and took a couple new shots during the last week.
Brace yourself
I can't believe it, Kyla hasn't even turned eight yet and she had her first visit to the orthodontist and they're ready to start. Be thankful that they haven't sent me the pictures from the visit because I would have been tempted to post them and I think they might look pretty scary. Kyla didn't look very comfortable as they stretched her mouth as far as they could and stuck mirrors inside in order to take pictures from every angle.
It's no surprise that both the girls will need braces as Kevin and I both had them. Kyla's got all sorts of things going on: narrow upper palate, cross-bite, and an ankylosed molar (I'll explain that in a second). Things have sure changed since I got mine 20+ years ago. They do them in two phases now, which makes sense to start early to prepare the way for the permanent teeth yet to come in. Are you ready? The bottom line is 5-6k, x 2 girls = ouch! It's a good thing we weren't thinking about this last year or we may have spent that sabbatical right here at home.
For all you relatives here are the gory details. It's all starting now because Kyla has an ankylosed 2nd yr molar, which means that is it fused to her jaw bone and the permanent tooth underneath isn't growing properly. The more she grows, the more the tooth is sinking back into gums. This means that the first step is to have the tooth extracted by an an oral surgeon. Then she will have a spacer there to keep the other teeth from moving into the empty spot. Next they will put a metal arch across the roof of her mouth to expand her upper palate. She will also get some braces on the front four teeth to help make room for her canines. Phase 1 will last about a year and phase 2 starts around 12 years old. It will be nice that she may be totally done by the time she starts high school. I didn't even get my braces until I was fourteen.
For the rest of the week we're going to forget about all of this and head to the beach so I better get packing. Check back on Thursday to see the photo challenge on texture.
Friday, March 6, 2009
Fly with dragons
Today is the first day of Kevin's spring break - Yay! The last couple of weeks have been busy and we're looking forward to some family time and a trip to the Beach on Tuesday! We haven't been to a beach since last September and I honestly can't remember our last trip to the Oregon coast - I'll have to look back at my pictures to see if we even went last year. Syd and I were at Costco and I could resist this big dragon kite.
I truly tried to convince the girls not to take this kite out the box until we got to the beach, but they were sooo excited and not to be reasoned with or bribed. Well, yes of course they wanted to fly it and were very disappointed when I told them it was absolutely not possible. They don't care that kites skies free of power lines, space to run and one more little thing called wind! For now they are happy just running in circles in the back yard. I sure hope they don't loose any parts or break it before we get there. Now let's all hope for some decent weather! Look, there is Kyla's right arm without a brace - her broken arm is now a thing of the past.
Thursday, March 5, 2009
Photo Storytelling
Lately I've been fascinated with taking pictures through my peep hole. I know it's kind of weird, especially since you can't really control what's on the other side. I found another photography challenge posted by Scott Thomas Photography where you try to tell a story in just one shot. I actually found this kind of hard, but this one does a pretty good job. Not only are my parents coming over for dinner, they are bringing the food (notice the cooler and various bags they are carrying). I'm still having troubles getting my non SLR to focus correctly through the hole, but you get the idea.
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
You Capture - Perspective
Sydney rather looks like a giant here helping me in the kitchen. I wouldn't even mind a giant in my kitchen if it meant someone else was cooking dinner. Too bad I got such a bad glare off the cabinet.

Sunday, March 1, 2009
Week end wrap up
The week (and month) has gone by so fast and I feel like I can't get out of first gear. It seems like I've had something on the calender everyday for last two weeks. This post is for certain grandparents who wanted more pictures of grandkids and less of teapots - but I won't name any names (mom). It was kind of nice to be forced to take a break yesterday while playing nurse to Sydney whose who suddenly got a fever and needed snuggling and blankets and water and books and a long nap. I needed that nap too! Yes, so sad that I have given them up after needed/wanting them for seven year. Wow - seven?- I guess kids will do that to you.