Wednesday, May 27
This weeks photo challenge was family. I apologize in advance for another spider picture, but check out this family. I don't know why I keep taking pictures of spiders, there seem to be a lot of them around right now.
And here is what happens when their web is accidentally disturbed.
Poor little guys! I checked on them today and they had all disappeared.
OK, now on to my real family. I just didn't have time to get any creative family shots, but we took the girls to the playground to practice their bike riding skills. We really try to ride our bikes more than drive during the summer. After one short session, my oldest is feeling much more confident on her new bike and the little one learned to ride without training wheels. It took us a whole five minutes to get tired of running, finally we just let go. Sorry I just didn't make it into the picture. 
Here's dad showing daughter just how easy it is. This shot is a little blurry, but doesn't he look so cute? I think his quote was, "This better not end up on the blog!"
For those of you who need to see the video of girls riding click here.
To see all the other family pics click here.
To see all the other family pics click here.