Wednesday, July 8This week's photo challenge was 4th of July and food. I'm not really a cook, so no food this week. Luckily the neighbors invited us to a BBQ, so we just brought some meat and drinks and didn't have to do any cooking. Thanks Jen & Phil! Here is my first attempt at fireworks with the dSLR. As you can guess, I didn't realize the shutter was still open when I started moving the camera. That my friends is the Willamette river running through downtown Portland, OR.
Here is an 8 year old who is pretty excited about staying up really late to watch fireworks.
Usually we head toward the Columbia River to watch the show in Vancouver, WA, but it was cancelled this year. We did find a decent spot to watch the fireworks except for my hubby who couldn't find a parking spot and ended up just driving around watching what he could from the car.

I'll have to admit this last photo is not my original idea, but when I saw it on this post over at Pacing the Panic Room I just had to try it. I was so excited that my kids were old enough to follow my directions and that I figured out that we would have to write the letters backwards before using up any of the 10 sparklers.