If you give a mom a camera... she'll start a blog.
Monday, September 8, 2008
A Day in Paradise
Thatwasthenameofpoolwewenttothisweekend, El Paraiso. Itwasn't fancyorperfect, but I thinkitreallywastheclosest I've beentoparadise (withkids) inages. Itreallyfeltlikewewereonvacation, thesun, the Reggaemusic , thegrill, a Sangria, andthebigcoolpool. It was a 30 minute walk on a perfectsunnydaywithoccasionalcloudsandlot's ofshadetoget a breakfromtheheat. This was the last day the pool was open for the summer and the entrance fee was a bit pricey, but totally worth it. What I couldn't believe is how not crowded the place was. Maybe the Spaniards thought it was too cool outside (below 90) to swim in an outdoor pool. The water was pretty cold, but we all eventually made it in. The girls took lots of quick dips followed by wrapping up in a towel and getting warm in the sun. We stayed about six hours and it was hard to find a reason to leave. The only reason we left before bed time is that we were getting hungry again and I didn't want to pay for another meal to share with the yellow jackets. We'll miss you El Paraiso.
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