Here is a little Halloween flashback. I can't believe it's been a whole year since we dressed up like this...

Monday, October 27
I apologize in advance for the following video, but don't worry there is nothing gross and I promise that I had just cleaned the toilet.
Is it a volcano or a toilet? Most of the toilets in Europe have this two part button on top. One side you push for a small flush and the other when you need a bigger flush (you know what I mean). I think it's a great system for saving water. Our toilet doesn't care about saving water. Did you see how Sydney ran away as soon as she pulled the flusher? Sometimes the water actually comes out of the bowl or splashes the seat. OK, I hope you were entertained. I'm busy going to teacher conferences for Kyla, studying for my final and getting ready for a Halloween party.
In honor of Columbus Day here is picture of the statue/fountain of Queen Isabella and Christopher Columbus in Granada. I'm not much on history, but I did a bunch of research on these two. OK, it was only a couple of pages on Wikipedia, but it was very educational since I've never given much thought to Columbus day. It's a national holiday here called Día de la Hispanidad and commemorates the start of relations between Europe and the Americas. October 12th is the day that Columbus landed in the Americas, somewhere in the Bahamas. Queen Isabel was the one who commisioned Columbus (Cristobal Colón) and this statue depicts that moment in history. I'll confess I never new Columbus was Italian. In 1492 Granada was the last unconqureed Muslim kingdom within Spain, and Isabella and her husband Ferdinand were the rulers at that time. Later they were givin the title Reyes Catolicós (Catholic Kings) by Pope Alexander VI. Eventually they were buried in the cathedral here in Granada. That's probably as much history as you'll ever have to read on this blog. We enjoyed having a three day weekend.
Some new stuntwork at the playground.
Here is a little plaza about two blocks from our apartment that our friends just showed us. It's well hidden by a surrounding cement wall. Kyla found a tree to climb and harvested a big pile of seed pods. Anytime they find something that fell from a tree and ask what it is, I always tell them it's a seed pod. I assume that 95% of the time I'm right.
The decking really cuts down on the dust, but we made up for it by playing with the chalk. Here's Sydney trying to finish the blue line. Here she's looking a little smurfy. I guess you shouldn't mop your brow when covered in blue chalk.
OK, this isn't one of the girls, but I couldn't resist a picture of such a content little cat napping at the plaza. We've been having terrific weather, 70's and sunny. We did have to dig out the comforters this week, it's really cooling down at night (50 degrees).