Tuesday, June 9
Here is part 2 of going local, this time in our own backyard. We ordered 8 organic veggie plants from a preschool fundraiser: 4 tomatoes, 2 green peppers, a cucumber and a zucchini. Sydney is organizing and singing to the plants although she looks more like the conductor here.
We planted our garden in mid May it is so tiny the plants already seem a little crowded.
The storm last week almost knocked down our two biggest tomato plants, but they are recovering nicely. We now have tomato blossoms.
And squash blossoms. Sydney is excited about the progress and want to be the first to try our zucchini.
While we're on the topic of local food, I happened to find this at the grocery store the other day. I've heard local flour can be hard to find, but there it was at Safeway. Stone-Buhr flour, made from Sheperd's Grain wheat, grown in the Pacific Northwest.
I also found some great Oregon Marionberry jam at Costco, made by Columbia Empire Farms in Newberg, Oregon. It's sooo yummy and less than $7 for 64 oz. I can't forget to mention that we are also supporting my local part time farmer (and brother) by buying some home grown ground beef. Tomorrow I'm hoping to make it down to the farmers market to see what other goodies we can find.