I'm not sure why she has to feel this piece of bark on her cheek. Personally I just love the feel of those soft cheeks. Why do kids have such perfect skin? - they'll never appreciate it.
Sydney is showing me the way to feel the grass. "If you go the other way, it doesn't feel right." Please try to ignore her nails, she had been playing in the dirt.
I feel joy to have a kid that likes to pull weeds. She told her friends yesterday, "I love pulling weeds, it's so much fun!" She is holding the weed hound, works great for dandelions and as you can see she has mastered it pretty well.
OK, this last picture is of nothing special, I was just practicing my sun flares. I think it kind of shows the feel of summer evenings. It felt like it was still 80 degrees at 8pm last night.
Love that first one. Great take on feel. It was a tough challenge.
Those are all great! Love the last one! Great job!
Yes, children have the most wonderful cheeks. No fair! Wonderful shots. :)
You did great with this challenge. And just so you know, we have weeds that big too. But none of my kids want to pick 'em. Bummer for me.
That last shot makes me feel summer! And I have got to get one of those weed pickers!
HOLYMOLY thats a big weed! Bigger than your daughter's head! LOL
And the sun flares I.have.got.to.try! Great job!
Your shots are awesome, great interpretations (and your daughter is beautiful!)
Come on over and check out what I posted about, Feeling Old.
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